

Elya Maria Maris Stella Zambrano Pinea live in the home of Ayterion formula creator and founders .
She claimed that she was poor had cancer

She was put into Full_Circle Wellness program . In May 200 she was balance . The body was in balance May 2000.

She then lied about what and how she came into balance . That our Perfect Science formula is not used in the market today. Lies comming from a Spainish magzine . Doctor Stones PHD who sell our formula which have never come form Europe alway have come from the orginal formula . Read Eric Ekvall (narco news )letter to us he is the one who arranges with Andrew Nixon to meet me (Stella you remember your boss dont you the ones you came from
to our work shop in Sarsaota , Florida )

She work with a Doctor Peter Rohsmann MD and wife Liz ( American born)maybe living then in Germany now in the south of France .

They contact all the mailing list of the late Shirley Carroll WOW who the
attacked day in and day out with lies and complete misinformation baced
on marketing and selling.

They post that Doyuk has not talk to the real formula creator of mothers water,Mothers Water, Planet Water, Breaker , Alpha , Clear(tm) , 25-10,
Holy Grail (ip) , Empowerment, Perfect Aqu (ip) and Ayterion, Terrion .

Everyone on W_O_ W new that the formula and the company Perfect Science was not own by Doyuk nor did they care. No one person cares what Doyuk states and what Doyuk products are they know the truth.

We American not form South America and we have no guro system here. Ole and Stella were in raged at this. Stella Zambrano is of course a product of the guro system . ( my family stella the ones who home you lived in for more
then six months who never charged you for food,shelter, in fact brought you
new things to wear, and tickets to your home, including the company brought you a ticket to Germany , Turkey , and pick you up at the airport . That money could of been use for my child .
So many lies Stella do you believe you can cover the trails .

These words, like daggers, enter in mine ears;

History is written by the Conquer , which in your case Stella you and your team of copycats will not win. This rewritten history of Doyuk the Turkish
goverment knows full well is just silly and not true . It is oftten been debated whether , this play to movement of your's Stella aka Elya Zambrano
is really a comedy or only a farce, but such a question could only have arisen
upon a very limited conception of the true nature of the missin you write about Iam a very exaggerated notion of the proper province of a farce .

Stella my and Doyuk child that one you have lied about in the rag magazine in Spain . That you dare to lieabout who and what we are . You dare to say we our company sold what to South America . These lies all come you Stella aka Elya from your mouth as the mouth piece of Eric Ekvall , Micheal Rowan , and The Flower of Lies Drunvalo ( This mission against the US goverment you yourself talk about time in time again . You told so many people and we do tape our work shop .

That in your Zambrano thieft who talk from both side of the mouth . Which is Stella aka Elya training from your master Eric Ekvall or Micheal Rowan .

That you Stella aka Elya aka Maris aka Maria Zambrano Pindea dare to claim on that shame of a web site Aydo Solution Trading company in Austria claim wisdom . Notwithstanding such ideas, however ,one who undtakes to exalt the ideals and traditions of Wisdom being alined such as the case with Drunvlo Flower of Life aka Spirt Of Ma'at for your citicism , however, the author Faziah Terry Welch , cares nothing .

What Zambrano Elya aka Stella aka Maris aka Marie did not write was that Doyuk owns the real formula creator money back child support also money to Dan O'Coonell, Joanne Spreitzer, William Spreitzer, Spreitzer children ,Randall Miller Oak Hurst, NJ , Debbie Miller Oak Hurst , NJ , their children, Edward Miller , Jeff Miller , Doyuk's former girlfriend Barbara, Ira Boggs,Randall Miller , Andrew Nixon Cornwall Ct, Nixon children , the late Peter Brightman Sharon , Ct , Charles Knox Sharon , Ct, his wife, Jamjoom . and more much more.

Mr .Rohsmann the so called MD living in France and Ole UfO silly followers of the money Eric Ekvall spend from Micheal Rowan pockets web master of
Aydin Nurhan and Rohsmann who live on the light who's light were all working with Elya aka Maris aka Marie aka Wake Zmbrano Pindea .

Please contact our law office

1-815-723-2909 any information leading to Doyuk , Rohsmann, Zambrano
that we can use to collect child support and repayment's of loans will lead to a reward .
tel-phone 1-877-890-7709

2006 April

Well today we learned that Zambrano worked for Mr Eric Ekvall Narco News fame and Mr Micheal Rowen for money.This insight comes from Zambrano herself . Zambrano talking to my and Doyuk child on the tel-phone from Spain she states the following

My child asks Zambrano when is it that my father will send the money he
said that her would sent for school .

Zambrano tell our child about her mission and also that Doyuk has no money . That she will ask Mr Micheal Rowan and Eric Ekvall for money to send for school. Needless to say That money for school never came .
Dead Beat are the same in every country and state in the world.

In Nov 1999 till May 2000

She was tested on the Aqutron ( computron ) and for free was given formula system while it was under research for free. She then claims that Doyuk now her partner working in Europe with the intention of spreading false claims .
The formula and all the health system have and allways will be made in United States.

These false claims came from Mr Eric Ekvall ( Narco news) who has to live in South America and spreads disinformtion everywhere . Doctor Mikis DO working with the formula since 1997 meet with Stella Zambrano on his home .

Then they came to Full-Circle Int and Perfect Science Eco-System Appraoch to Balance (IP) in Sarsota in which Stella informed us that Eric was in the hotel arranging with Steve Torrance on the phone stealing our web site .

Elya aka Maria Estela Stella Zambrano Pindea ( South America ) went to Dan O' Connell our laywer and Michael Mickely who all know personally Eric Ekvall and in Dan O' Connell case Micheal Rowan personally .

Zambrano informed over twenty people about Mr Ekvall mistranslating the forest of life project that she and his boyfriend Mr Alberto paid them to translate .

Zambrano in 1999 then begs Full-Circle Int Doctor Ame DC and Jim Trider to test her and put her in our project she claimed she had cancer .

Zambrano also informs David Morris that she has no where to live .So I the
author took her in my home .

Zambrano also claimed that Ekvall wife Joelle took from her as payment for the formula's a necklace that a spirtual leader gave her . She claimed that it was very expence and a gift to her a spirtual exchange .

Futher more she said "That she held in high honor and was a Zoolu priestess.
That she being a priestess married a member of the Zoolu tribe to a member of her team Thomas { who later she receives money from for Aydo Solution )

In 1999 Sarasota she explained that Joelle { wife of Ekvall }was talking to Eric Ekvall and she was overheard them talking French then they slip into Spainish that she was in danger . She overheard them Zambrano claim that they will try to stop us from research and that Steve Torrance who was paid
only to put up a web site .

Now with Richard and Joslynn Mac Intyer formerly of Hawaii created confusion spreading lies and misinforation evrywhere in the world . At workshop given by Eric Ekvall , Peter Jackson ,
kathy Barns , now today the results of this is that Doyuk and all the former misfits from the farm ( they claim ) only refer to our formula as Water in which this is not what it is it is our formula.

We had no idea what or who she was only did we could put her in our clinical research program. WE did just that !

We know this ! Because we lived this !

Ms Stella Zambrano aka Maris aka Maria working between Germany and Spain . Spreading Ekvall lies .

If these things are not the truth then Stella Zanbrano , Ole web master for
rohsmann phoney web site and so called doctor rohsmann take us to court .
We love discovery with proof .

We have the legal proof.

Today we are greatful to Zambrano for all the information about Ekvall and his partner a women in Miami who wanted to control Royal Flush .

If you find ought to disagree with, that is as it ought be. Train your mind to test every thought, ideology, train of reasoning, and claim to truth.

There is no justice when even a single voice goes unheard.
(1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1-3, John 14:26, John 16:26, Revelation 12:10, Proverbs 14:15, Proverbs 18:13)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Watch out: the hero of today is the michy mouse of tomorrow ....
Be assured that all your statements about Peter Rohsmann are false.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rene Solis-Campos"
To: "Liz Sinnott" ;

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:07 PM
Subject: To Dr. Peter Rohsmann MD?

> Miss Liz, assuming you are in contact with Dr.or
> former Dr. Peter Rohsmann because you answered the
> inquiry even though the reply was not from Arcadia
> Eden.
> This is the second inquiry to Arcadia Eden and Dr.
> Peter Rohsmann.
> Who is Ole Alstrup, is he OR she the magician?
> The former Doctor Rohsman who according to Mr. Ayhan
> Doyuk," is no longer a practing Doctor, but is a
> mickey mouse and a crook."
> On the statement since the question was not answered,I
> assume it is true! at least half true.
> On your Web site,
> Dr. Peter Rohsmann MD.
> Arcadia - Eden.de,
> it states," that Mr. Doyuk is a researcher along with
> Mr. Tihomir Lelas that brought parallel these
> characters out.
> "The superionization and Tribomechanische activation."
> 6/9/2005
> also it is stated the Company Perfekt Solution Ayhan
> Doyuk's large company is the manufacturer of
> Super-Ionized water.
> Arcadia Eden in Munich is a 50/50 partner
> Perfekt Solution natural force Gmbh(PSNK)in St. Martin
> in upper Austria with Alois Gruber together (50 50)."
> Can you clarify? Is this the company that Mr Doyuk
> stated at a Indian confrence," was stolen by the
> mickey mouse crook Peter Rohsman MD, who no longer is
> a practicing Doctor"!
> Mr Doyuk went on," Peter Rohsmann has purchased a
> Villa in the south of France with all Arcadian Eden
> assets" The 50/ 50 partnership was a web site
> partnership gimmick of Dr.Rohsmann, Mr adamently
> stated he has received no Euro or Peso or Lira from
> Arcadia Eden and his so called partner Peter Rohsmann.
> I notice that your address is in France, any comment?
> Maria Gonzales in Espana an employee of Mr. Doyuk also
> stated," that Mr Doyuk has no interest in any product
> on the Arcadia Eden Web site that advertises,
> Super+ Ionized water,
> Aydo Solusions Perfecta, not the Arcadia product is
> manufactured by Ayhan Doyuk in Spain with no
> partnership with Dr Peter Rohsmann"
> Ms Gonzales continued," Aydo Solusions Perfecta is the
> sole product made and endorsed by Mr. Doyuk and Dr
> Peter Rohsman is not at all connected in any
> capacity,Ms Gonzales also stated," Solusions Perfecta
> is a movement not a commercial company'
> Ms Gonzales was firm in her comment concerning the
> reason for the break up, " Mr Doyuk parted because of
> a disagreemnet in pricing, Mr Doyuk asked the so
> called or former Doctor to lower the price of AB/C
> formulas, the former Doctor answered by raising them"
> awaiting your clarification.
> Rene Solis-Campos
> --- Liz Sinnott wrote:
>> Who wants to know about Ayhan and me?
>> Peter
>> Peter,
>> Here is the mail below.
>> Best,
>> Ole
>> Enough about the magician
>> Rene Solis-Campos wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:50:34 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Rene Solis-Campos
>> Subject: Comment
>> To: peter.rohsmann@arcadiaeden.de
>> Mr. Peter Rohsmann,
>> Recently I met Mr. Ayhan Doyuk in India. He said
>> he
>> has no association with you. He said,in fact he
>> had
>> been partners with you, you took all the shares in
>> the
>> company and you moved and bought a house in the
>> South
>> of France.
>> He said that you are a crook and that he no longer
>> supplies formulas for your products.
>> Any comment?
>> __________________________________________________
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>> http://mail.yahoo.com
> --- Liz Sinnott wrote:
>> Who wants to know about Ayhan and me?
>> Peter
>> Peter,
>> Here is the mail below.
>> Best,
>> Ole
>> Enough about the magician
>> Rene Solis-Campos wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:50:34 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Rene Solis-Campos
>> Subject: Comment
>> To: peter.rohsmann@arcadiaeden.de
>> Mr. Peter Rohsmann,
>> Recently I met Mr. Ayhan Doyuk in India. He said
>> he
>> has no association with you. He said,in fact he
>> had
>> been partners with you, you took all the shares in
>> the
>> company and you moved and bought a house in the
>> South
>> of France.
>> He said that you are a crook and that he no longer
>> supplies formulas for your products.
>> Any comment?
>> __________________________________________________
> __________________________________________________
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